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Book 1

Book 1

The Vine & The Branches Series

Big Book 1

This BIG BOOK ONE covers the six Branches of the RE Directory.  The thirty pages of illustrations and stories are very attractive and lively. Children will love it!

1. Creation and Covenant

God Made the World
God’s Great Plan
Caring for God’s World

2. Prophecy and Promise

Mary, the Mother of God
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Mary is our Mother
Journey to Bethlehem
The Birth of Jesus
The Shepherds visit Jesus

3. Galilee to Jerusalem

The Presentation in the Temple
Jesus in the Temple
Jesus Announces His Mission
Jesus Chooses Disciples
Jesus Welcomes Children

4. Desert to Garden

Jesus goes to Jerusalem
The Last Supper
Jesus dies on a Cross
The Resurrection

5. To the ends of the Earth

Easter Sunday
The Road to Emmaus
The Ascension

6. Dialogue and Encounter

The beginning of the Church
The Catholic Church
Our Parish Church

The Vine & The Branches Series

Teacher's Book 1

The great strength of this Teacher’s Book is its simplicity and clarity. It is divided into six Branches for six half terms:

  1. Creation and Covenant
  2. Prophecy and Promise
  3. Galilee to Jerusalem
  4. Desert to Garden
  5. To the ends of the Earth
  6. Dialogue and Encounter

All the required content of the RE Directory: Knowledge Lenses, Ways of Knowing and Expected Outcomes is covered.

In each Branch there are:

  • Notes for Teachers
  • Introductory Activity
  • Mini view of the Big Book content
  • Questions to ask about the pictures in the Big Book
  • Story to read to the children
  • A variety of activities appropriate for mixed ability classes
  • A video of Jesus as a little boy
  • Approximately fifty PPT presentations
  • Worksheets to download

A printed copy of this Teacher’s Book is also available.